I hope you’ll join me in a daily photo project starting January 1, 2018.
It’s simple. We’ll make a photo a day and share it with a group of listeners like you. My hope is that you’ll learn something new about photography and see something new about your life too.
I will send you encouraging emails daily with an idea for a photo of the day if you need it. You are invited to share your photos in a private Flickr group.
Every month this year, you can join starting on the first of the month. You can join for just a week, or join for three weeks.
Here are few photos from my December Daily Photo project.
Another thing I love about these projects, is seeing you and little glimpses of life from all around the world.
If you’d like to be part of the group, join now. You do not have to use a fancy camera or have little kids to be part of the fun. We’ll be starting Monday, January 1.
It’s a cold and dark time of year around here. It helps to have a reason to get out the camera!
The cost? A dollar a day.
My hope is that for your time, effort and seven dollars you’ll learn something new about making photos, see you life with new eyes and enjoy the good company of the group.
Questions? Ask away – jenny@thefamilyphotographer.org