154 : 365 All Eyes

I meet with some fabulous moms from my church once a week. 

The light in the room we meet is beautiful.  I listen to my friends but there are moments the light in this little girl’s eyes captures my attention.

153 : 365 Eager

Usually the first snow is a few flakes here and there.  This year, they woke up to the ground covered with snow. 

It was a mad rush to find hats, boots, mittens, and sleds.  Yesterday they weren’t needed.  Today finding everything was urgent.

The kids all walked up… and down.  It wasn’t sledding snow. The ground was still muddy underneath. 

151 : 365 Uncle!

Uncle Richie! Augusta greets him with a dance and he makes her laugh.

I don’t know what Uncle Eric was saying, but I know Atticus wanted to hear every word.

These are the kind of family photos I love the most.  No one dressed up, cleaned up or smiled for the camera. 

148 : 365 I’ll Take These

Our days of going to the farmer’s market are numbered.


Photo note: I read a post about “shooting from the hip.”  (Otherwise known as not looking through the viewfinder while you are taking a photo.)  

Today I gave it a try on our weekly trip to buy delicious apples and pears.  

I have brought my camera to the farmer’s market three or four times this year.  I haven’t gotten photos I liked, or I ended up not taking any.  It’s hard to keep an eye on the kids, keep my place in line and get a photo.  Shooting from the hip made it work. And I got to feel a little sneaky at the same time.

147 : 365 Proof

It’s so easy to let teasing and hitting have more weight than moments like these.  Honestly, if I didn’t take these photos, I don’t know if I would have remembered these hugs happened.  

At 6:30 tonight, when she was grabbing his hair and he was whacking her on the head with a wooden train, I didn’t.

I’m glad I have some proof.