143 : 365 Possibilities

I waited at the cutting counter with my chosen fabric.  I was going to make a doll for my daughter and this fabric was going to be the doll’s adorable calico  dress.

I put my fabric on the counter and asked for a half yard.  As she cut it, she asked what I was making.  I told her about the doll and the dress.  Oh, it will be so cute.

Then I asked her, “Do you ever wonder how many of the people finish the projects they buy fabric for?”

She looked shocked.  

I love walking around a fabric store.  There are so many possibilities.  I dream about the things I can make with all this color and texture.   I imagine the love that will be infused in the gifts to my children.

And I do occasionally finish a project that I buy fabric for.  I bought the fabric for the doll two years ago.  Maybe this Christmas…

141 & 142 : 365 It Was a Dark and Rainy Night…

When I was a kid, I lived in on a farm.  Our driveway was a half a mile long. It was an ideal place to live 364 days of the year.

On Halloween, my mom drove us around on little roads to homes of people we knew. We piled out of the car, our neighbors plopped full size candy bars in our bags and we piled back into the car.  

Walking from house to house on Halloween is what I saw in movies and on TV.  I always felt like I was missing out.

I was. 

Trick or treating through our neighborhood, even in the rain, is everything l I thought it would be as a kid.  We pass groups of costumed kids, knock on doors of people who  answer dressed as monsters, and come home with a ton of loot. 


2013 Costume Round Up

Here is the delicious costume that was being built in my last post. 

Next, the driest of costumes…

No surprises here… 

And for the second year in a row… 

Last night after my candy soaked kids were asleep, I looked through my photos from the evening.  Although I had some of my firefighter and ladybug, I hadn’t just stopped them and said, “Look over here.” 

So, the well lit photos of the kids are from this morning. They were happy to put their costumes back on on relive the night.