I am a few weeks into this year of photos and it’s getting harder.
I notice that going through the photos from the day I wonder if the photo I like today is too much like one from last week. Or, today, if this photo is too much like my friend’s photo from the Fourth of July.
But, here’s what I said I’d do: post a photo from each day of the year. I didn’t promise myself that each photo would be wildly different or completely original. I said I would show up every day.
Here I am.
Jenny! I know what you mean about it getting harder a few weeks in. That’s how I feel about homeschooling, dog training, writing a book, growing a garden . . . any big project I’ve committed to. But then often times, after it gets hard, I find I hit a sweet spota place where I get into a groove (. . . before it gets hard again!). Showing up is half the battle, to be sure.
I’m glad you’re here. I look forward to seeing your photos every day!
Thank you, Zane. So true. I just listened to an interview that talked about how important committing to something is because it will get un-fun at some point.
Love your photography Jennifer. My sister – Laura Lovic, turned me on to it from Facebook. Keep it up – amazing work!
Thank you, Vern! I appreciate you stopping by.