Or, how to enjoy temperatures in the single digits.
I saw the weather forecast for tonight, a low of 10, and got excited for one reason – frozen bubbles.
When our first wave of frigid weather arrived last month, I saw a post on Facebook with photos of frozen bubbles. The thought of freezing bubbles had never occurred to me before. I wanted to try it. My first few attempts resulted in a lot of popped bubbles and cold fingers. But, the weather persisted and so did I.
Even if you don’t plan to take any photos, give it a try.
I found that the best bubble recipe was one half bubble mix and one half corn syrup. Yes, it’s a sticky mess.
(I also tried it with glycerin but the corn syrup works better. )
It’s fun to blow the bubbles into the air, watch them burst and fall like lace to the ground.
I prefer watching the crystals grow. To do this, let the bubble hang off the wand or blow the bubbles onto a surface. When there is a little build up of bubble mix on the surface, the bubbles are more likely to stay intact. Wind is the enemy. I looked for protected places or made a wind block with the kids’ sleds.
Also, this.
After I’d been out for a little while, the bubble solution turned to slush. This resulted in bubbles like the one at the top of the post with the ice swirling around and growing.
These are so cool Jenny! Amazing! I’m so glad you persisted . . . with the help of your trusty assistant, I’m sure!
How in the world do bubbles take on a leaf pattern … corn stalk leaves?
You’d think there was a God.