During 2016, I did a daily photo project – a 365 project. I took photos, chose one and posted it on Flickr every day. Even though 365 projects can be difficult and demanding, I’m a big fan. I’ve seen so many people come into their own as photographers as a result of doing a daily photo project.
A fabulous group of listeners to the TWiP Family podcast joined me and started daily photo projects of their own. This was not my first project and I knew that a year of photos has its ups and downs.
The day before the project started, I talked to Zane and Simon, who were about to begin their first 365 project. You can hear those conversations on Episode 2 of The Family Photographer. Then, in June of the year, we talked about how they were feeling halfway through their projects. (That episode is here.) Today, I’m sharing our conversation after the project was over.
What did they learn? What was surprising? What was difficult? What are their plans for their photography in the coming year?
The Flickr group is still going strong and there’s a new Facebook group now too. It’s great to have company as you create your year of photos.
To make things easier for me for the next few months as we welcome our new baby, the podcast will come out every other week.
The next show will be out on February 7 and is an interview with photographer, Erin Brandt. Take a minute to check out her bright and joyful family photography.
Thank you for listening to The Family Photographer. If you have a question, comment about the show, guest suggestion or just want to say hello, email me – jenny@thefamilyphotographer.org
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– Jenny
Thank you to my sound editor, Suzanne Llewellyn. You might not notice what she does but you would notice if she didn’t do it.