Bubble Weather

When I saw how cold it was, I got excited. It was cold enough to freeze some bubbles. (About zero fahrenheit.)

Do you remember last year when it was so cold? I got a lot of practice freezing bubbles. (Those photos are right here.) This year I was ready. I knew that the best mixture included corn syrup and the best surface was very cold and covered with a layer of bubble juice.

I thought ahead and froze a block of ice so I could move it around to whatever light worked best. I forgot to get a bubble wand but found that our turkey baster worked just fine.


Little Things


January 8

The Princess and The Pea

(No. It was not eaten. It ended up on the floor in fact.)


January 9

Equal Opportunity

I wonder how long this will last. I love watching her use both hands while drawing, cutting and eating. So far, she doesn’t have preference.


Rinky Dink

January 7 : Rinky Dink

January 7

His enthusiasm for his kiddie pool of ice inspired us to make him something bigger.

We attached four pieces of wood together and put in a tarp to create this 10 x 16 rink for our hockey loving son.

I looked on the internet for ideas about how to make a backyard rink. I saw lots of instructions that were way more complicated that what we needed. They were bigger and had supports and people using strings for some reason. We didn’t do any of that. All we did was this: put the wood together, put in a tarp, filled it with water and waited for the water to change state.

DIY Rinky Dink

More skating photos to come…

Date Due


January 4

We went to a library today that still does this.

The little piece of paper started a conversation with my girls about checking out books when I was a kid.

“How did you renew a book?”

“I took the book back to the library to renew it.”


This got me feeling nostalgic, but don’t get me wrong – I love how easy it is to request and renew books on my computer. I don’t miss the big desks that the librarians used to sit behind. There is just one thing I miss: the cards with the date due and the name of the person checking it out. I loved looking at the list of people who had checked out the book I was now holding in my hands.

The Good Part


January 3

My little one got a big box of beads for Christmas. She sings while choosing and stringing the glittery beads.

A friend of mine takes her daughter’s bead necklaces apart and puts the beads back to use the next day.

I thought about this. Augusta works so earnestly on her necklaces!  But, after Augusta is done making her necklaces, she doesn’t pay any attention to them. I find them in my shoes (ouch!) and down the laundry chute.

I didn’t want to take apart Augusta’s little masterpieces and have her come looking for them. So, I asked her if it was okay to take the necklaces apart. She said, “Yes!” We cut the strings and put the beads back in the box.

She’s just doing the good part.

At Christmas this year, we got a plastic gingerbread house to decorate. I know. It sounds ridiculous. But, it was great. It didn’t smell good, but it also didn’t fall down. And, they got to decorate it a few times during December.

We just did the good part.


All In

In May, I bought a cover for my camera. I wanted to be able to take it to the beach and in the pool.  I thought the photos would be amazing from first shot just because I was in and around water. Not so. 

Last month at the beach, I used the cover more than ever.  This was one of my favorites.